Closing the Microsoft excel 2010 workbook
When you are working on Microsoft excel 2010 workbook, you some time need to close the Microsoft excel 2010 workbook, because you may feel it handy to close some of Microsoft excel 2010 workbook which you are not currently using, and don’t worry about saving because Microsoft excel will ask you when you need to save. Below there is shown how it is done
If you want to close it just press cross button, the workbook will automatically get closed, as I told you don’t need to worry about saving, because as you close the Microsoft excel 2010 workbook it will promote you to save it.
Just press save if you want to save the changes, otherwise you press don’t save, and at this point you don’t want to close the work book, click on cancel.
One thing you should know Microsoft excel only promotes you to save when you have made any change and has not saved after that change.